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常說英丽人難見 “炊煙”,可他們的詞匯用語與飲食有關的可实很多。明天我們來講講curry favor,翻譯,噹然,curry在這裏已與“咖喱”毫無半點聯係,curry favor 就是我們常說的“討好或人”,艰深一點可說成“拍馬屁”。

Curry正在這裏是動詞,本意為梳理馬的外相,這一動做能與“討好”相聯係則是源於14世紀法國詩人維特裏的政治寓行《褐馬傳偶》。書中的褐色老馬Fauvel聰明、狡诈、頗具權威,人們為了俬利常梳理Fauvel的外相,表示討好,长此以往, to curry Fauvel便成了“阿諛阿谀”的代名詞。

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Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers; with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him. The first creak of the oak startled him like an electric shock: the light leaped from his hold to a distance of some feet, and his agitation was so extreme, that he could hardly pick it up.

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October 26, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I went out to California yesterday to meet with families affected by the wildfires, and to thank the state and local officials for their outstanding work in this difficult time. While I was there I saw the terrible destruction and heartbreaking loss. Yet I was also encouraged by the spirit I found -- the families determined to rebuild, the volunteers who stepped forward to help neighbors in need, and the first responders who have shown such courage in battling the flames and caring for those who were displaced.

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  5.獨立主格題  一般說來,在句子中沒有連接詞的情況下,逗號是無力連接兩個句子的,此中一個分句要麼长短謂語形式,要麼是獨坐主格結搆。這兩種結搆皆作狀語,不同的是獨破主格結搆有本人的邏輯主語。

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April 2, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you, and good morning. I appreciate former Presidents Iliescu and Constantinescu for joining us today. I want to thank the President of Latvia and Mrs. Zatlere for joining us. Secretary Rice, ambassadors, members of the United States Congress, the President of the National Bank of Savings, members of the German Marshall Fund and the Atlantic Council, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen -- Bun. Ziua

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戴 要:本文就法律文件用詞粗確這一特點,探討中英這類文件時經常碰到的近義和同義詞問題,用實例印証,指出若何理解這些詞,並根据法律用語要求傳意精確的特點,如何選用文的詞語,以保証入語與原語存在對等的法律含义和功效。

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