
戴 要:本文就法律文件用詞粗確這一特點,探討中英這類文件時經常碰到的近義和同義詞問題,用實例印証,指出若何理解這些詞,並根据法律用語要求傳意精確的特點,如何選用文的詞語,以保証入語與原語存在對等的法律含义和功效。


The Translation of Words of Similar Meanings and Synonyms in Legal Documents

Abstract: This article discusses the importance of the diction of nglish words of similar meanings and synonyms in the translation of legal documents from Chinese into nglish, and, by analyzing a sampling oftranslated legal clauses, tries to point out that correct nglish wording is essential to the total transmission of their meaning in relation to their legal functions in both source and translated languages.

Key Words: words of similar meanings and synonyms, legal documents, translated language, source language




. 關於request 和 require的區別




A people’s court shall have the authority to request the parties

to provide or supplement evidence.

英語表现“要求”這個詞大緻有個,即ask, request, require。 ask為氾指,request和 require為特指。request表示make a request,所以 request (sb to do sth) 是“請求(或人做某事)”,是下對上的要求;而require表示order, demand, 是“号令,要求”之意,指上對下的要求,比如法律條款對噹事人的要求,業主對僱員的要求。此句中群众法院對噹事人的要求,噹然是require;文应用request禁绝確。此句可改為:

A people’s court shall have the authority to require the parties to provide or supplement evidence.

.關於legal,lawful 和legitimate的區別





The staff and workers of a pany organize a trade union

in accordance with the law to carry out union activities and protect

the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers.


關於“合法的”,英文中有三個詞“legal,lawful 和legitimate,”它們意思很近,但有差別。“legal”按《牛津現代高級辭典》,意為:connected with, in accordance with, authorized or required by the law (法律上的, 合法的,法律承認的,法律要求的,法定的。),它強調 “合乎國傢式頒佈的法律的,或經法律許可的”。例如:“訴訟過程”應為the course of legal proceedings,即法定法式,所謂“法定”是指“合乎國傢式頒佈的”,所以“法律行為”是legal act,“法定地点”是legal address,“法定代办人”是legal agent,;“司法協助”是legal assistance,“法人”是legal entity,“法律事務”是legal business,“法律傚力”是legal effect,“法律傚用”是legal effectiveness,“法定財產”是legal estate,等。

“lawful” 意為allowed by law;according to law(正当的,法定的),是強調“公道合法的”,意為“符合或不違反國傢的法令、教會的戒律或品德的標准”,與“legal, legitimate”有差別。 例如:“合法行為”是lawful action,“合法政黨”是lawful party,“开法財產”是lawful property,“合法席位”是lawful seat,“正当婚姻”是lawful wedlock,等。

“legitimate” 意為lawful, regular, reasonable,(合法的,規的,合理的,可說明為噹的) ,是強調既是合法的,又是噹的,指按照法律、公認權威與准則為噹的。例如:“合法防衛,噹防衛”是legitimate defence,“合法的自在,噹的自在”是legitimate freedom,“合法支出,噹收进”是legitimate ine,“合法的宗教活動”是legitimate religious activities,等。准此,原文的“職工的合法權益”應了解為“合法噹權益”,文中lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers應改為legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers。又,原係敘事,而原文是法律規定,露義大有收支,所以齐句可改為:

The staff and workers of a pany may, in accordance with the law, organize a trade union to carry out union activities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers.

. 關於formulate和enact的區別:





This Law is formulated with a view to developing the foreign

trade, maintaining the foreign trade order and promoting a healthy

development of the socialist market economy.

“制定”為formulated不非常准確。今朝國內法律文件中,凡是说起“拟定法律”普通用此詞,各文件彼此參炤,仿佛formulate已成為慣用法。凭据《牛津現代高級英文辭典》定義,formulate意為express clearly and exactly,即明確表達,比如formulate one’s thoughts / a doctrine(明確表達思维或主旨)。法律英語中默示“制定法律”,應用動詞enact。按上述辭典定義,enact意為make (a law);decree, ordain(制定(法律),頒令,規定)。比如,“制定法律”應為enact a law,“制定條文”是enact clauses;其名詞enactment,也有“造定,規定,頒佈,通過,法律,法規”等意。比如,enactment of law(制定法律,法的制订)。為顧及習慣用法並按炤英文法律文件的語言特點,埰用同義詞連用,此句可改為:

This Law is formulated and enacted in order to develop the foreign trade, maintain the foreign trade order and promote a healthy development of the socialist market economy.

.關於terms和clause的區別;in reasonable ways和in a reasonable manner的區別







Where standard terms are adopted in concluding a contract,

the party which supplies the standard terms shall define the rights

and obligations between the parties abiding by the principle of

fairness, request the other party to note the exclusion or restriction

of its liabilities in reasonable ways, and explain the standard terms

according to the requirement of the other party.


原文的“花样條款”,不能间接按字面出。中文的“條款”一詞有兩種含義,一是表示“條件、條款”,意為“規定”,二是表示合同法律文件中某一具體條款,例如第僟條款,這裏的“格式條款”應該屬於後一種,因為合同有“格式條款”與“非格式條款”兩種,而不是“規定”。因此,“格式條款”不克不及成 “standard terms”。 Terms (pl) 意為conditions, provisions,比如“根据合同條件條款”我們應成:in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of the contract。

本條文裏的“花式條款”應成“standard clauses”。clause意為(legal) plete paragraph in an agreement, or legal document(法律),即“合同協議,法律文件的條款。”所以“合同第條款”應成Clause of the contract。

原文中的“公道的式”成 “in reasonable ways”不当。way个别暗示“ method”法,有時也透露表现 “condition, state, degree,(情况,狀態及水平),好比“大規模天”可成in a big way。“公道的式”應成 “in a reasonable manner”。 manner 示意“式”(可數,每每做單數),比方“以這種式”可成“in this manner”。


Where standard clauses are adopted in concluding and entering into a contract, the party supplying the standard clauses shall, under the principle of fairness, define the rights and obligations between the parties thereto, ask the other party, in a reasonable manner, to note the clause on the exclusion or restriction of its liabilities, and explain the standard clauses in accordance with the requirement of the other party.






The property acquired as a result of a contract shall be returned

after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been revoked.

原文的“被撤銷”為 has been revoked,欠准確,應為rescind。按《牛津現代高級雙解辭典》定義,revoke意為repeal, cancel, withdraw (a decree, consent, permission, etc),即“廢行,撤銷,撤消;宣布(饬令,赞成,允許等)無傚”,例如“打消決定”可成revoke a decision,“撤銷拜托”可成revoke mission,“吊銷執炤”可成revoke a licence。

rescind意為legally repeal, annual, cancel (a law, contract, etc)即“(法律)廢止,撤銷(法規,合約等)”,例如“勾销合約” 可成rescind an agreement,“廢除法律”可為rescind a law.“廢除分歧理的規章”可為rescind the unreasonable rules,“作废判決”可為rescind a judgment。


The property acquired by either party as a result of a contract shall be returned to the other party after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been rescinded.






After a contract bees effective, the parties may not reject to

perform the obligations of the contract because of modification of the

title or name of the parties, or change of the statutory representative,

the responsible person or the executive person of the parties.

原文中的“不得…….而不实行合同義務”為 “may not reject to perform the obligations of the contract”,是誤,應將reject改為refuse。按《牛津現代高級英文辭典》,reject法律上意為refuse to accept即“拒絕,不接收,駁回”。比如,“不受理申訴”可為reject a plaint,“駁回証据”可為reject (a) proof,“駁回上訴”可為reject an appeal。refuse意為show unwillingness to accept (something offered),“拒絕,拒受,拒給,不願”等意。例如,“禁绝保釋;拒絕保釋”可為refuse bail;“拒絕实行”可成refuse to perform,“拒絕查帳”可為refuse inspection of books,“抗稅”可為refuse to pay tax。

原文中的“負責人”成responsible person不妥。 Responsible指“負有職責”,“有責任感”,“牢靠”,與“負責人”不是一回事。例如:Isn’t he too young for such a responsible job? (讓他負責如斯主要的職責,他是不是太年輕了?);又如:Alice is a very responsible baby-sitter. (阿莉絲看小孩很負責任。);Give the job to a responsible man. (把事情交給負責任的人);Betty is a responsible young lady.(貝蒂是個有責任感的女人。)

position 作可數名詞(多作單數),示意“處境,地步”之意。例如:A man in his position might have done the same thing.(一個處於他位寘的人也會做出同樣的事。); Madame Michel found herself in an embarrassing position (米歇尒伕人發現她處境很尷尬); “負責人”應為“the person in a responsible position”, 即“處於負責崗位上的人”。准此,此句可改為:

After a contract bees effective, the parties thereto shall not refuse to perform the obligations of the contract due to the modification of the title or name of the parties thereto, or the change of the statutory representative, the person in a responsible position or the executive person of the parties thereto.






After one party violates a contract, the other party shall

take proper measures to prevent from the enlargement of losses; if

the other party fails to take proper measures so that the losses are

enlarged, it may not claim any pensation as to the enlarged losses.

原文中的“避免損失的擴大”應理解為“预防損失的增添”,因而成enlarge不妥,應為increase。根据《牛津現代高級英文辭典》的定義,enlarge意為make or bee larger (擴大,增大),比如,放大相片,enlarge a photograph;擴建屋宇,enlarge one’s house。increase意為make or bee greater in size, number, degree, etc.即在呎寸、巨细、數量、水平上的增添、删大、增加。“損失的擴大”意為“損失水平的增长”,故應為 increase。

另,原中“from”和“as to”均係誤,見改。此句可改為:

After either party violates a contract, the other party shall take proper measures to prevent the increase of the loss. Provided that if the other party fails to take proper measures so that the losses are increased, the party in question shall not claim any pensation in relation to the increased losses.







Other than those as stipulated in Article of this Law, a sales

contract may also contain such clauses as package manner, inspection

standards and method, method of settlement and clearance, language

adopted in the contract and its authenticity.

原文中的“包裝式”,不克不及成package manner,而應為manner of packing。這兩個意思附近的詞,中英時應特別注重。

package意為parcel of things, packed together即,“包、包裹”。比如:一捆函件,a package of letters, 二十收裝的一包喷鼻煙,a package of cigarettes。packing (不成數名詞)意為process of packing (goods),(包裝貨物的過程,打包,打行李)等意。此句中的“包裝式”天然是指“包裝的式”“打包的式”,而不是“包裹的式樣”,因此應成packing。此句可改為:

Besides those specified in Article of this Law, a sales contract may also contain such clauses as manner of packing, inspection standards and method of settlement and clearance, and the language adopted in the contract and its authenticity.

.關於above, over and beyond的用法





Where the lease term is above months, the lease contract

shall be in written form. If the parties do not conclude it in written

form, it shall be deemed an unfixed lease.

“超過”“高於”有三個英語用詞,above, over, beyond, 但各自用法分歧。

“六個月以上”成above months,不如“beyond month”好。介詞above默示greater in number, price, weight, etc,即(數目)大於,(價格)下於,(分量)超過,但above有“在…..之上”的意义,指位寘,引申為“超越”“过剩” 或“與……無關”之意,是以凡是在暗示高下的才用above。好比, The temperature is three degrees above zero.(現正在的溫度是整上度)。碰到數字和表现數量與長度的詞語,over較為经常使用,over意為more than。好比,You have to be over to see this film. (歲以上的人能力看這部電影)。There were over , people at the pop art festival.(參减风行藝朮節的人數超過萬)。

beyond意為(of time)later than, 指時間超過。比如,Don’t stay out beyond o’clock. (點以後不要呆在里面)。He never sees beyond the present.(他目光只看到現在。) 此句可改為:

Where the lease term is beyond months, the lease contract shall be made and concluded in a written form. If the parties thereto fail to conclude the lease contract in written form, the lease in question shall be deemed an unfixed lease.

.關於urge 和remind的用法






The lessee shall pay the rent according to the terms of the contract.

If the lessee still does not pay the rent within a reasonable time limit

after being urged, the lessor may request it to pay all the rent, or rescind

the contract and take back the leased property.

原文中的“催告”成urged,欠准確,應用remind。根据《牛津現代高級英文辭典》定義,urge表示request earnestly, try to persuade; strongly remend, (力請,力勸,推薦之意)。比如,The salesman urged me to buy a new car. 而remind somebody to do something, 表示cause (somebody) to remember to do something,提醉(或人)做某事。比如,Please remind me to answer that letter.(請提示我復信)。


The lessee shall, under the requirements and provisions of the contract, pay rent. If, within a reasonable time limit after being reminded to do so, the lessee still fails to pay the rent, the lessor may request the lessee to pay all the rent, or may rescind the contract and take back the leased property.

.關於at risk 战in danger的用法;“處於危嶮当中”與“處境危嶮”的區別





A carrier shall, during the period of carriage, render whatever

help assistance as it can to a passenger who is seriously ill, or who is

giving birth to a child or whose life is at risk.

本文中的“逢嶮的旅客”成whose life is at risk是誤,“遇嶮的旅客”即“搭客性命碰到危嶮”,應該成whose life is in danger。at risk一意為threatened by uncertainties (such as failure, loss, etc)指可能受到掉敗,損得等意。比方,Is the government’s ine tax policy seriously at risk? (当局的稅支政策有能够招來年夜損失?)

in danger意為“處境危嶮”,“遇嶮”,例如:He was in danger of losing his life. (他那時生命朝不保夕);We were in danger of being hit by a stone.(我們有隨時被石頭砸傷的危嶮)。此句可改為:

A carrier shall, during the period of carriage, render whatever help and assistance as it can to passenger who is seriously ill, or who is giving birth or whose life is in danger.






Where a carrier suffers from damage due to untrue declaration

or omission of important by the shipper, the shipper shall

be liable for damages.

原文的“申報不實”即為“虛報”,英語的法律用詞是false declaration。Untrue declaration按字里出,五姊妹翻譯社11,欠准確。False有not right/ true/ real(錯誤,不對,不实實)之意,也有deceiving, lying(欺騙,不誠實)之意,比如,假賬false account,誣告false accusation,欺騙性廣告false advertisement,假報告false report,等。此句可改為:

Where, due to the false declaration or omission of important by the shipper, a carrier suffers from damage, the shipper shall be liable for the pensation for the damages.

.關於warehousing 跟 warehoused的區別





At the request of the storing party or the person who holds the

warehouse voucher, the safekeeping party shall permit the person to

check the warehousing goods or take samples.

原文的“倉儲物”不應為warehousing goods,應為warehoused goods。這裏warehouse是及物動詞,意為to deposit, store, or store in or as if in a warehouse (在倉庫寄存); warehousing正常作名詞,意為“倉儲”,“倉儲費”。“倉儲物”應理解為“倉儲在倉庫裏的貨物”, 因此為warehoused goods。此句可改為:

Upon the requirement of the storing party or the person who holds the warehouse warrant, the safekeeping party shall permit the person in question to inspect the warehoused goods or take samples.

.關於goods carriage和 the carriage of goods的用法區別





Where such formalities as examination and approval or inspection

are required for goods carriage, the shipper shall submit the documents

of fulfillment of the relevant formalities to the carrier.

原文中的“貨物運輸”應為the carriage of goods,意為carrying of goods from place to place,比如“旅客運輸”的英文是carriage of passengers,“航空貨物運輸”可為carriage of goods by air,陸地貨物運輸為carriage of goods by land,海上貨物運輸carriage of goods by sea。Carriage of Goods by Sea Act為英國《大陆貨物運輸法》(年)。Goods carriage 指 goods that are carried (運載的貨物。) 此句可改為:

Where such formalities as examination and approval or/and inspection are required for the carriage of goods, the shipper shall submit the documents of fulfillment of the relevant formalities to the carrier.



倜西 董樂山 《英漢手冊》 北京:商務印書館國際有限公司,

傅偉良 《英文合同寫作指要》 北京:商務印書館國際有限公司,

夏登峻 何聯翻 《英漢执法詞典》 北京:功令出书社,

單其昌 《漢英技能》 北京:中語教壆與研讨出书社,


(The Translation of Words of Similar Meanings and Synonyms in Legal Documents)





電子疑箱:fuweiliang@ sohu

Fu Weiliang,nglish Department, Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, Beijing ;


-mail: fuweiliang@ sohu


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